Capturing netcat shell command output in Python

This question already has an answer here:

  • Calling an external command in Python 50 answers

  • If you want make calling shell commands easy to yourself in Python use sh library.

    In sh this would be:

      from sh import nc
      output = nc("-v", "", "25")  # output is string of the command output

    As always, installing Python libraries are recommended to do with virtualenv.

    I use this to capture output from a system command, note that it will only get the last line. Modify around lastline as needed to get more:

    def GetOutput(command):
        lastline = os.popen(command).readlines()
        result = lastline[0].rstrip()
        return result

    上一篇: 将嵌套的bash命令放入Python中

    下一篇: 在Python中捕获netcat shell命令输出