Java String from InputStream

Possible Duplicates:
How do I convert an InputStream to a String in Java?
In Java how do a read an input stream in to a string?

I have an InputSteam and need to simply get a single simple String with the complete contents.

How is this done in Java?


public static String convertStreamToString( InputStream is, String ecoding ) throws IOException
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( Math.max( 16, is.available() ) );
    char[] tmp = new char[ 4096 ];

    try {
       InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader( is, ecoding );
       for( int cnt; ( cnt = tmp ) ) > 0; )
            sb.append( tmp, 0, cnt );
    } finally {
    return sb.toString();

You need to construct an InputStreamReader to wrap the input stream, converting between binary data and text. Specify the appropriate encoding based on your input source.

Once you've got an InputStreamReader , you could create a BufferedReader and read the contents line by line, or just read buffer-by-buffer and append to a StringBuilder until the read() call returns -1.

The Guava library makes the second part of this easy - use CharStreams.toString(inputStreamReader) .

You can also use Apache Commons IO library

Specifically, you can use IOUtils#toString(InputStream inputStream) method


上一篇: 一次读取inputStream

下一篇: 来自InputStream的Java字符串