FireFox marketplace in
I have added FireFox Marketplace in-app payments to my game pathuku using fxPay.
Everything seems to be working when i use the fakeProducts setting below:
fxpay.configure({fakeProducts: true});
When i try to use fxPay in Live i get the following in my console:
23:30:46.305 "opening" "GET" "to" ""1 fxpay.min.js:1:4761
23:30:46.681 "XHR error event:" error { target: XMLHttpRequest, isTrusted: true, lengthComputable: false, loaded: 0, total: 0, currentTarget: XMLHttpRequest, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1432593046679000 }1 fxpay.min.js:1:4078
23:30:46.690 "Error getting products:ApiRequestError: received XHR error for path: /payments/"1 main.js:1:10765
_eo/b.e5.fxpay.checkForPurcs/<() main.js:1
z() fxpay.min.js:1
A() fxpay.min.js:1
x() fxpay.min.js:1
t() fxpay.min.js:1
j() fxpay.min.js:1
A http OPTIONS request is made to
The url seems to be working, but i don't understand why only a OPTIONS request is being made?
My game url is
Any help would be very welcome
This problem was being caused by the orignal JSON library, it added functions to the Object.prototype. This in turn caused the fxpay serialisation code to break. As JSON has been added to most browsers, I removed the reference to the old libabry and everything is now working.
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