

//Remove all even indexed elements from a list and return the rest
let rec removeEven l =
match l with
| x0::x1::xs -> x1::removeEven (xs)
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []

//combine list members into pairs
let rec combinePair l =
match l with
| x0::x1::xs -> (x0,x1) :: combinePair(xs)
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []



这就是为什么我认为,如果我可以帮助某些功能做出自己的尾递归,或许它会变得更清楚它的工作原理,而不是阅读一个我可能不了解的例子以及我自己的代码(请记住,我是一个完整的f#newbie :))


在F#中进行函数尾递归的典型方法是使用一个列表(在这种情况下为acc )来累积结果并反转它以获得正确的顺序:

let removeEven l =
    let rec loop xs acc =
        match xs with        
        | [] | [_] -> acc
        | _::x1::xs' -> loop xs' (x1::acc)
    loop l [] |> List.rev

let combinePair l =
    let rec loop xs acc =
        match xs with        
        | [] | [_] -> acc
        | x0::x1::xs' -> loop xs' ((x0, x1)::acc)
    loop l [] |> List.rev

因为我们根本的每次递归调用后,返回结果loop ,这些功能是尾递归。


  • 缩进在F#中很重要。 我宁愿match... with lec rec宣言后面的几个空格。
  • Patter匹配案例应遵循一致的顺序。 首先从基本案例开始,这是一个好主意。
  • 当你有一个fun t -> match t with的模式fun t -> match t with时, function关键字很自然地用于缩短函数。
  • 最好摆脱不必要的括号,特别是在有一个参数的函数中。
  • 应用上面的评论,你的功能如下:

    // Remove all even indexed elements from a list and return the rest
    let rec removeEven = function
        | [] | [_] -> []
        | _::x1::xs -> x1::removeEven xs
    // Combine list members into pairs
    let rec combinePair = function
        | [] | [_] -> []
        | x0::x1::xs -> (x0, x1)::combinePair xs


    let removeEven items = 
      let rec loop f = function
        | _::h::t -> loop (fun acc -> f (h::acc)) t
        | [] | [_] -> f []
      loop id items


    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/14143.html

    上一篇: how to make these simple functions tail recursive in f#

    下一篇: How can a time function exist in functional programming?