Beginners Guide to Haskell?
I've been looking for a decent guide to Haskell for some time, but haven't been able to find one that seems interesting enough to read through and/or makes sense.
I've had prior exposure to Haskell a few years back, but I can't remember much about it. I remember the "Aha!"-feeling was incredible when I finally got it, and it was actually fun to play with, so I'm looking to rediscover the lost art of Haskell.
I'm familiar with Ruby and its functional programming tricks, so I think I'm not completely in the dark. Any links?
Some good places to start are:
Other resources:
This looks like it fits the bill in the style of Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby.
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
If you're like me, and like videos of presentations, than this is a good tutorial:
A Taste of Haskell
It's a three-hour tutorial, that uses xmonad as a running example to explain Haskell to experienced (imperative) programmers. The presentation is given by Simon Peyton-Jones who, besides being one of the top Haskell designers, is also a great speaker.
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