How flip video capture from webcam in Silverlight

I noticed that when I am doing video capture from webcam in Silverlight video is "reversed" meaning when I am moving right then me on a screen moving left. Is there any way to flip video capture?

I could flip left right and this is how you can do it.

private WriteableBitmap flipVideo(WriteableBitmap notFliped)
        WriteableBitmap motionBmp = new WriteableBitmap(notFliped.PixelWidth, notFliped.PixelHeight);
        int leftRight = -1;
        int[] flipedArray = motionBmp.Pixels;
        int[] currentArray = notFliped.Pixels;
        for (int h = 0; h < 480; h++)
            for (int w = 0; w < 640; w++)
                flipedArray[h * 640 + w] = currentArray[639 + (h * 640) - w];
        return motionBmp;

note that 640 and 480 are the camera resolutions and adjust them to your values. I don't know if webcam default support any other resolution. But If 640*480 then you can use this code as it is. Also you need to understand that even if the one cam frame looks like this in pixels ((3x3) picture)

0,1,2...................................................................................... 3,4,5...................................................................................... 6,7,8......................................................................................

bitmap.Pixels return []={0,1,2,3..8} so you need to flip the values row by row into this

2,1,0...................................................................................... 5,4,3...................................................................................... 8,7,6......................................................................................

this is what the above code does.. cheers..and just ignore the dots...

我通过在Blend中打开项目来翻转一个矩形,选择了我的矩形 - >属性 - >转换 - > Y翻转。我之前没有看到它...(悲伤的长号)


上一篇: 使用双摄像头在平板电脑上捕获图像

下一篇: 如何在Silverlight中从网络摄像头中翻转视频