capturing images on tablets with dual webcams

I have built an application that will capture and upload images taken from a tablet webcam to a database, the app works on tablets that only have one webcam but refuses to load the driver from tablets that have dual webcams. The code I'm using is straight from another code project solution, I'm using code from here

Does anybody know if there is a fix for tablets sporting dual webcams?

public void Start(ulong FrameNum)
        // for safety, call stop, just in case we are already running

        // setup a capture window
        mCapHwnd = capCreateCaptureWindowA("WebCap", 0, 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height, this.Handle.ToInt32(), 0);

        // connect to the capture device
        SendMessage(mCapHwnd, WM_CAP_CONNECT, 0, 0);
        SendMessage(mCapHwnd, WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW, 0, 0);

        // set the frame number
        m_FrameNumber = FrameNum;

        // set the timer information
        this.timer1.Interval = m_TimeToCapture_milliseconds;
        bStopped = false;

    catch (Exception excep)
        MessageBox.Show("An error ocurred while starting the video capture. Check that your webcamera is connected properly and turned on.rnn" + excep.Message); 

上一篇: 为App Preview捕获iOS模拟器视频

下一篇: 使用双摄像头在平板电脑上捕获图像