Limit days to a single all day event in month view

Is it possible to limit a day to a single all day event in month view? This ideally would handle individual date selections, as well as date ranges.

There is most certainly a better way to do this, but this is what I was able to come up with for the time being. I'd like to be able to accomplish this without having to loop all of the events.

select: function (newEvent_start, newEvent_end, allDay) {
                var okToAdd = true;
                $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function (event) {
                    if ( (newEvent_start >= event.start && newEvent_end <= event.end) || // between
                         (newEvent_start <= event.start && newEvent_end >= event.start) || // starts before, ends during
                         (newEvent_start >= event.start && newEvent_start <= event.end && newEvent_end >= event.end)  // starts during, ends after
                        okToAdd = false;

                if (okToAdd) {
                        title: 'Title goes here',
                        start: newEvent_start,
                        end: newEvent_end,
                        allDay: allDay

上一篇: FullCalendar月查看事件,无需调整日历的单元格大小

下一篇: 在月视图中将天数限制为单一的全天事件