Jenkins email notification setup

I am trying to setup email notification for my jenkins server for build failures.

Things I have tried:

1) Use my company smtp mail server with authentication - does not work. Connection refused

2) Setup my own James mail server. SMTP server - localhost. Authentication - admin,admin. Port 25. I see that my SMTP server is running. - does not work. Connection refused

3) Use my personal gmail account with authentication - Works!!!

I have followed other discussions on this topic but not got an answer.

Some say it may be a firewall issue but I am not sure how to overcome it.

Any suggestions are most welcome.


I had the similar problem.

I was on wireless + windows 7 and when checked internet connectivity status, IPV4 was connected to internet but IPV6 was not. Looks like IPV6 is used as default on windows 7 but it was not able to connect to the SMTP server using it.

Started my jenkins with and it worked for me.

java -jar jenkins.war and the "Test Configuration" worked.

For Sending Email Notifications using localhost SMTP server you need to install postfix ,

For Linux :

  • sudo apt-get install postfix
  • telnet localhost 25
  • and then try sending test email. :)

    I know this is late but just in case any other person is facing problem!


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