C ++延迟任务
我想实现一种方法来安排稍后执行的任务。 该接口将类似于JavaScript的setTimeout(function, milliseconds)
在我的应用程序中,某个线程拥有某些资源。 为了避免竞争条件,他们必须始终从同一个线程访问。 如果其他线程想要访问资源,他们必须将任务对象分派给资源线程。
第一个问题可以通过使用在消费端具有资源线程的无锁队列来快速解决。 (我使用TBB的concurrent_bounded_queue。)然而,第二个问题对我来说并不那么明显。 我可以想到两个策略:
我已经尝试过两种方法,我倾向于第一种,因为它简单可靠,而第二种则倾向于更容易产生细微的错误。 第一种方法将其委托给OS线程调度程序。
struct myrunnable {
uint64_t id_;
uint64_t stamp_;
std::function<void()> runnable_;
uint64_t id() { return id_; }
uint64_t stamp() { return stamp_; }
void execute() { if (runnable_) runnable_(); }
typedef std::shared_ptr<myrunnable> task_t;
// timestamp_cmp_t - a comparator by timestamp + incrementing task id
typedef tbb::concurrent_blocking_queue<task_t> queue_t;
typedef std::priority_queue<task, timestamp_cmp_t> schedule_t;
uint64_t now(); // a wrapper around gettimeofday(), write yourself
queue_t queue; // inbound concurrent blocking queue not bound in size
schedule_t schedule; // priority queue, a scheduler
// queue_t sink; // optional sink concurrent queue if you don't
// want to execute tasks in the scheduler thread context
// now() - a wrapper around gettimeofday(), write yourself
for(;;) { // "termination mark" comments below - exit points
while (!schedule.empty() && schedule.top().stamp() <= now()) {
task_t task = schedule.pop();
task .execute();
// alternatively sink.push(task) to offload scheduler thread
if (schedule.empty()) {
task_t task = queue.pop(); // block on the input queue
if (!task) return; // scheduler termination mark, empty task
} else {
// Here we are driven by our latency/cpu balance requirements
// in this example we are ultra low latency and are just spinning CPU
// and on Linux such thread may need extra tuning to perform consistently.
// To pace it down one can use TBB's sleep_for() or select() system call
while (schedule.top().stamp() > now()) {
task_t task;
if (queue.try_pop(task)) {
if (!task) return; // scheduler termination mark, empty task
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/14577.html
上一篇: C++ delayed tasks