Switch statement with automatic break at each case step in C++

If we want to have a switch statement where for each case we need to run some instructions then break we would so something like this:

switch (condition) {
   case (opt1):
      // do stuff
   case (opt2):
      // do stuff
   case (opt3):  
      // do stuff
   // ...
      // do stuff

Is it possible to have an exclusive switch, without fall through, where by default every option should break and not have to explicitly state the break instruction? And if not in C++ any idea if such a feature is available in other imperative languages?

C# needs the break too, but yells at you if you don't put it. You need to goto label; to explicitly fall through.

In C++, there is no way to do this natively (other than horrible macros, of course). However, Clang has the -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning. You can then insert [[clang::fallthrough]]; to silence the warning for a deliberate fallthrough.

Documentation : http://clang.llvm.org/docs/AttributeReference.html#fallthrough-clang-fallthrough

"There is no automatic fall through" in Golang. https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#switch

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/14802.html

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下一篇: 在C ++中的每个案例步骤中使用自动中断来切换语句