
嗨! 我正在制作一个象棋引擎,并且在make / unmake方法中遇到了一些问题。


问题是,当我调用makeMove方法时,它将片段的位置更改为Piece对象内的方形目标。 但是现在,我无法用Move对象调用unmakeMove,因为现在我没有关于移动来自哪里的信息,因为我刚刚更改了该部分的位置。 你将如何解决这个问题?


class Board:
# Previous methods omitted. 

    def makeMove(self, move, player):
        """ Makes a move on the board and changes Piece object. Returns None. """
        self.moved_piece = move.getPiece()
        self.captured_piece = move.getCapturedPiece(self)

        if self.captured_piece:  # Remove captured piece from player's piece dict. 

        self.setPiece(move.getTargetSquare(), self.moved_piece)  # Set moved piece on target square.
        self.setPiece(self.moved_piece.getPosition(), EMPTY)  # Make the origin square empty.
        self.moved_piece.changePosition(move.getTargetSquare())  # Change piece object's position.

    def unmakeMove(self, move, player):
        """ Unmakes a move. Returns None. """
        self.moved_piece = move.getPiece()
        self.captured_piece = move.getCapturedPiece(self)

        self.setPiece(self.moved_piece.getPosition(), captured_piece)  # Set captured piece or empty square to target square.
        # Set piece to original square. HOW !?

根据我的评论以及Fred Larson发布的Memento模式链接,以下是您可能想要执行的操作的示例实现:

class Engine(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = Board()
        self.move_list = []

    def make_move(self, from, to):
        #board.makeMove returns a "memento object".
        self.move_list.append(board.makeMove(from, to))

    def undo_move(self):


class Move(object):
    def __init__(self, from_coords, to_coords, capture=None):
        self.from = from_coords
        self.to = to_coords
        self.capture = capture


class Board(object):
    def make_move(self, from_coords, to_coords):
        #move logic here
        return Move(from_coords, to_coords, capturedPiece)

    def undo_move(self, move_object):
        self.make_move(move_object.to_coords, move_object.from_coords)
        self.uncapture(move_object.capture, move_object.to_coords)

显然,上面的代码只是概念上的。 实际的实现将取决于其他代码的结构。

注意:我为Move对象使用了一个类,因为属性访问是明确的且易于遵循。 实际上,这样一个基本的对象可能只是一个形式的元组(from, to, capturedpiece)

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/14811.html

上一篇: Chess programming make and unmake move

下一篇: Project: Creating a Chess Game with GUI