K) / (a + K) with improved accuracy

In various contexts, for example for the argument reduction for mathematical functions, one needs to compute (a - K) / (a + K) , where a is a positive variable argument and K is a constant. In many cases, K is a power of two, which is the use case relevant to my work. I am looking for efficient ways to compute this quotient more accurately than can be accomplished with the straightforward division. Hardware support for fused multiply-add (FMA) can be assumed, as this operation is provided by all major CPU and GPU architectures at this time, and is available in C/C++ via the functions fma() and fmaf() .

For ease of exploration, I am experimenting with float arithmetic. Since I plan to port the approach to double arithmetic as well, no operations using higher than the native precision of both argument and result may be used. My best solution so far is:

 /* Compute q = (a - K) / (a + K) with improved accuracy. Variant 1 */
 m = a - K;
 p = a + K;
 r = 1.0f / p;
 q = m * r;
 t = fmaf (q, -2.0f*K, m);
 e = fmaf (q, -m, t);
 q = fmaf (r, e, q);

For arguments a in the interval [K/2, 4.23*K] , code above computes the quotient almost correctly rounded for all inputs (maximum error is exceedingly close to 0.5 ulps), provided that K is a power of 2, and there is no overflow or underflow in intermediate results. For K not a power of two, this code is still more accurate than the naive algorithm based on division. In terms of performance, this code can be faster than the naive approach on platforms where the floating-point reciprocal can be computed faster than the floating-point division.

I make the following observation when K = 2n: When the upper bound of the work interval increases to 8*K , 16*K , ... maximum error increases gradually and starts to slowly approximate the maximum error of the naive computation from below. Unfortunately, the same does not appear to be true for the lower bound of the interval. If the lower bound drops to 0.25*K , the maximum error of the improved method above equals the maximum error of the naive method.

Is there a method to compute q = (a - K) / (a + K) that can achieve smaller maximum error (measured in ulp vs the mathematical result) compared to both the naive method and the above code sequence, over a wider interval, in particular for intervals whose lower bound is less than 0.5*K ? Efficiency is important, but a few more operations than are used in the above code can likely be tolerated.

In one answer below, it was pointed out that I could enhance accuracy by returning the quotient as an unevaluated sum of two operands, that is, as a head-tail pair q:qlo , ie similar to the well-known double- float and double- double formats. In my code above, this would mean changing the last line to qlo = r * e .

This approach is certainly useful, and I had already contemplated its use for an extended-precision logarithm for use in pow() . But it doesn't fundamentally help with the desired widening of the interval on which the enhanced computation provides more accurate quotients. In a particular case I am looking at, I would like to use K=2 (for single precision) or K=4 (for double precision) to keep the primary approximation interval narrow, and the interval for a is roughly [0,28]. The practical problem I am facing is that for arguments < 0.25*K the accuracy of the improved division is not substantially better than with the naive method.

If a is large compared to K, then (aK)/(a+K) = 1 - 2K / (a + K) will give a good approximation. If a is small compared to K, then 2a / (a + K) - 1 will give a good approximation. If K/2 ≤ a ≤ 2K, then aK is an exact operation, so doing the division will give a decent result.

One possibility is to track error of m and p into m1 and p1 with classical Dekker/Schewchuk:



Then, correct the naive division:


That'll cost you 2 divisions, but should be near half ulp if I didn't screw up.

But these divisions can be replaced by multiplications with inverse of p without any problem, since the first incorrectly rounded division will be compensated by remainder r, and second incorrectly rounded division does not really matter (the last bits of correction q1 won't change anything).

I don't really have an answer (proper floating point error analyses are very tedious) but a few observations:

  • Fast reciprocal instructions (such as RCPSS) are not as accurate as division, so you may see a reduction in accuracy if using these.
  • m is computed exactly if a &in; [0.5×Kb, 21+n×Kb), where Kb is the power of 2 below K (or K itself if K is a power of 2), and n is the number of trailing zeros in the significand of K (ie if K is a power of 2, then n=23).
  • This is similar to a simplified form of the div2 algorithm from Dekker (1971): to expand the range (particularly the lower bound), you'll probably have to incorporate more correction terms from this (ie store m as the sum of 2 float s, or use a double ).
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/15010.html

    上一篇: 了解灾难性取消中的ulps

    下一篇: K)/(a + K),具有改进的准确度