NEW is internal proprietary API
During build of our project we get a rather unexplained warning:
[javac] (...) warning: NEW is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release [javac] private static final int timeOfInactivity = 1000 * 60 * 9; // allowed time of inactivity [javac] ^
Additional info:
Can anyone explain why the compiler makes this warning, and what I should change to avoid it?
[Edit] Added nearby code
private static final String CLASS_NAME = SessionKeeper.class.getName(); private static final int logoutDelaySeconds = 1000 * 60; // logout after 1 min. from the point when dialog was shown to the user private static final int timeOfInactivity = 1000 * 60 * 9; // allowed time of inactivity private boolean isSchedulerStarted = false; // indicates if SessionKeeper was started or not private static SessionKeeper instance;
[edit] Since quite a few requested the source I attached it here (expires in 24h):
[edit] What have been tried so far:
Solution found I removed all all imports in the file, and replaced everything with stubs.
That made java report the error in another file.
The other file had a bad and unused import (import
So I'll recommend anyone getting this error to search your entire workspace for NEW
链接地址:上一篇: F#程序集中的默认程序集版本号始终为0
下一篇: NEW是内部专有API