Automatically add private qualifier to fields in eclipse

Is there a way to automatically add the private qualifier while new variables are declared in Eclipse?

In a way I would like to override the default access to private

I don't know of a way to do this.

However, the way i write code, it would rarely be necessary. That's because i rarely define fields by hand; instead, i let Eclipse create them, and when it does that, it makes them private.

Say i want to create a class Foo with a single field bar of type int . Start with:

public class Foo {

Put the cursor in the class body, hit control-space, and choose 'default constructor' from the proposals menu. You now have:

public class Foo {
    public Foo() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

Delete the helpful comment. Now manually add a constructor parameter for bar :

public class Foo {
    public Foo(int bar) {

Now put the cursor on the declaration of bar and hit control-1. From the proposals menu, choose 'assign parameter to new field':

public class Foo {
    private final int bar;

    public Foo(int bar) { = bar;


Bingo. You now have a private field.

There is a similar sequence of automatic operations which can create a field from an existing expression in a method (first creating a local variable, then promoting it to a field).

If you consider it more important to you than performance and readability, I suppose you could configure a relatively convenient solution as follows. I wouldn't do this myself.

For class and instance variables, modify the class template in preferences to incorporate this:

private static Object fields = new Object () {
    // declare all class variables here

private Object vars = new Object () {
    // declare all instance variables here

For local variables, modify the method template in preferences to incorporate this:

private Object locals = new Object () {
    // declare all local variables here

Class variable x will be declared in fields . It will be private at this.class.fields.x .

Instance variable y will be declared in vars . It will be private at this.vars.y .

Local variable z will be declared in locals . It will be private at locals.z .

If you do this, you can expect your entire program to be slower and use more memory that it would otherwise.


上一篇: get hashmap的方法不返回null

下一篇: 在eclipse中自动添加专用限定符到字段