Visual Studio 2010 crashing 10

Ultimately, this may have now been resolved after completely removing and re-installing the .NET framework and Visual Studio 2010, and then running CCleaner on my registry. Not seen the error for a few days now so I'm hoping it has gone away for good. Thanks all for suggestions.

In summary, I have VS2010 professional (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel) and using it for VB.NET development at the moment with AnkhSVN and Tortoise latest versions. It crashes with no detail other than:

Unhandled exception at 0x77d415de in devenv.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: VBRuntimeException at memory location 0x08e0f594..

And it happens 10-20 times a day and is becoming a nightmare. I have re-installed the whole thing (not just repaired). I have deleted all temp files, .suo , .user etc and switched off hardware acceleration. None of this has helped. If I debug the crash, I get the following stack:

  ntdll.dll!_ZwRaiseException@12()  + 0x12 bytes  
  ntdll.dll!_ZwRaiseException@12()  + 0x12 bytes  
  KernelBase.dll!_RaiseException@16()  + 0x58 bytes   
  msvcr100.dll!__CxxThrowException@8()  + 0x45 bytes  
> msvbide.dll!PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes()  + 0xb5422 bytes    
  msvbide.dll!PEBuilder::Compile()  + 0x14b591 bytes  
  msvbide.dll!CompilerProject::_PromoteToCompiled()  + 0xa9 bytes 
  msvbide.dll!CompilerProject::CompileFromBoundToCompiled()  + 0x32b38 bytes  
  msvbide.dll!CompilerPackage::CompileFromBoundToCompiled()  + 0x1f bytes 
  msvbide.dll!CompilerPackage::CompileAllProjects()  - 0x419 bytes    
  msvbide.dll!CompilerPackage::BackgroundTask()  + 0x68 bytes 
  msvbide.dll!ThreadSyncManager::ThreadProc()  + 0xd2 bytes   
  [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]  
  ntdll.dll!___RtlUserThreadStart@8()  + 0x27 bytes   
  ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8()  + 0x1b bytes

In Define PIATypes I can see the following with references to vftable and conditions not being met but can't see what exactly is causing the crash. If anyone can make sense of it, it would be hugely appreciated as I've spent hours trying to work it out.

The finger of suspicion points to either AnkhSVN, TortoiseSVN or a (now uninstalled) Resharper trial. Particularly the latter as it's the only difference to my colleague, who runs the same solution with a similar box, same vs2010 build and has no problems at all

5926B73E mov ecx,edi 5926B740 mov dword ptr [esp+70h],0 5926B748 call
BCSYM_NamedRoot::GetQualifiedNameHelper (59006C83h) 5926B74D mov
esi,dword ptr [esp+40h] 5926B751 mov edx,dword ptr [esi-0Ch] 5926B754 mov dword ptr [esp+28h],edx 5926B758 movzx eax,byte ptr [edi] 5926B75B test byte ptr BCSYM::s_rgBilkindInfo (59001BD8h)[eax+eax*2],8 5926B763 je
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+30Eh (5926B7BEh) 5926B765 test
byte ptr BCSYM::s_rgBilkindInfo+1 (59001BD9h)[eax+eax*2],bl 5926B76C je PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+2D4h (5926B784h) 5926B76E mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+4Ch] 5926B771 call
BCSYM::DigThroughNamedType (59002029h) 5926B776 mov ecx,eax 5926B778 call BCSYM::PNamedRoot (59001F9Ch) 5926B77D call
BCSYM::PContainer (59001C60h) 5926B782 jmp
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+2D6h (5926B786h) 5926B784 mov
eax,edi 5926B786 cmp dword ptr [eax+4Ch],0 5926B78A je
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+30Eh (5926B7BEh) 5926B78C movzx
eax,byte ptr [edi] 5926B78F test byte ptr BCSYM::s_rgBilkindInfo+1 (59001BD9h)[eax+eax*2],bl 5926B796 je
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+304h (5926B7B4h) 5926B798 mov
ecx,dword ptr [edi+4Ch] 5926B79B call
BCSYM::DigThroughNamedType (59002029h) 5926B7A0 mov ecx,eax 5926B7A2 call BCSYM::PNamedRoot (59001F9Ch) 5926B7A7 call
BCSYM::PContainer (59001C60h) 5926B7AC mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4Ch] 5926B7AF mov eax,dword ptr [eax+70h] 5926B7B2 jmp PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+327h (5926B7D7h) 5926B7B4 mov eax,edi 5926B7B6 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4Ch] 5926B7B9 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+70h] 5926B7BC jmp
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+327h (5926B7D7h) 5926B7BE mov
eax,edi 5926B7C0 call BCSYM_NamedRoot::GetContainer (590021A3h) 5926B7C5 test eax,eax 5926B7C7 je
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+325h (5926B7D5h) 5926B7C9 mov
eax,dword ptr [eax+4Ch] 5926B7CC test eax,eax 5926B7CE je PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+325h (5926B7D5h) 5926B7D0 mov
eax,dword ptr [eax+70h] 5926B7D3 jmp
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+327h (5926B7D7h) 5926B7D5 xor
eax,eax 5926B7D7 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+60h] 5926B7DA lea ecx,[esp+68h] 5926B7DE push ecx 5926B7DF lea ebx,[esp+2Ch] 5926B7E3 lea edi,[esp+58h] 5926B7E7 mov
dword ptr [esp+20h],eax 5926B7EB call
DynamicHashTable >::GetValueInternal (59024E04h) 5926B7F0 test al,al 5926B7F2 je PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+379h (5926B829h)
5926B7F4 lea edx,[esp+20h] 5926B7F8 push edx
5926B7F9 call DynamicHashTable >::GetValueInternal (59024E04h) 5926B7FE test al,al 5926B800 je 5926B93A 5926B806 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+20h] 5926B80A mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+1Ch] 5926B80E mov edx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 5926B812 mov edx,dword ptr [edx+30h] 5926B815 push eax 5926B816 push ecx 5926B817 push esi 5926B818 push 0 5926B81A mov
ecx,7B40h 5926B81F call ErrorTable::CreateError (59020900h) 5926B824 add esp,10h 5926B827 jmp
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+38Ch (5926B83Ch) 5926B829 lea
eax,[esp+1Ch] 5926B82D push eax 5926B82E lea
ecx,[esp+2Ch] 5926B832 push ecx 5926B833 lea
ecx,[esp+5Ch] 5926B837 call DynamicHashTable >::SetValue (594172E7h) 5926B83C mov edi,dword ptr [esp+18h] 5926B840 lea edx,[esp+30h] 5926B844 push
edx 5926B845 add edi,448h 5926B84B lea
ebx,[esp+28h] 5926B84F call DynamicHashTable >::GetValueInternal (594159BEh) 5926B854 test al,al 5926B856 je PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+3CAh (5926B87Ah)
5926B858 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+30h] 5926B85C mov
eax,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 5926B860 cmp dword ptr [eax+ecx*4],0 5926B864 jne 5926B97F 5926B86A mov
edx,dword ptr [esp+24h] 5926B86E mov edi,dword ptr [esp+18h] 5926B872 mov dword ptr [eax+ecx*4],edx 5926B875 jmp PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+1B6h (591B670Bh) 5926B87A mov edi,dword ptr [esp+24h] 5926B87E mov eax,edi 5926B880 call BCSYM_NamedRoot::GetContainingClassOrInterface (5905D431h) 5926B885 test eax,eax 5926B887 jne 5926B9C4
5926B88D mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+2Ch] 5926B891 mov
eax,0FEEFEDh 5926B896 mov dword ptr [esp+104h],eax
5926B89D mov dword ptr [esp+100h],eax 5926B8A4 lea
eax,[esp+100h] 5926B8AB push eax 5926B8AC push edi 5926B8AD xor ebx,ebx 5926B8AF push ecx 5926B8B0 mov dword ptr [esp+118h],ebx 5926B8B7 mov dword ptr [esp+114h],ebx 5926B8BE call
MetaEmit::DefineTypeRefByContainer (590B85F4h) 5926B8C3 and
eax,0FF000000h 5926B8C8 cmp eax,2000000h 5926B8CD jne
5926B9FD 5926B8D3 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+14h] 5926B8D7 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 5926B8DB cmp dword ptr [ecx+eax*4],ebx 5926B8DE jne 5926BA36 5926B8E4 mov
dword ptr [ecx+eax*4],edi 5926B8E7 mov edi,dword ptr [esp+18h] 5926B8EB inc eax 5926B8EC mov dword ptr [esp+14h],eax 5926B8F0 jmp
PEBuilder::DefinePiaTypes+1B6h (591B670Bh) 5926B8F5 lea
ecx,[esp+100h] 5926B8FC call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B902 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],5 5926B90A mov dword ptr [esp+100h],offset Exception:: vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B915 mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592A2E48h) 5926B920 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B928 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B92D lea edx,[esp+104h] 5926B934 push edx 5926B935 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B93A lea
ecx,[esp+100h] 5926B941 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B947 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],6 5926B94F mov dword ptr [esp+100h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B915 mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592A2E48h) 5926B920 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B928 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B92D lea edx,[esp+104h] 5926B934 push edx 5926B935 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B93A lea
ecx,[esp+100h] 5926B941 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B947 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],6 5926B94F mov dword ptr [esp+100h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B915 mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592A2E48h) 5926B920 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B928 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B92D lea edx,[esp+104h] 5926B934 push edx 5926B935 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B93A lea
ecx,[esp+100h] 5926B941 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B947 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],6 5926B94F mov dword ptr [esp+100h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B95A mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"Key not present in t"... (592AEDA0h) 5926B965 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B96D push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B972 lea eax,[esp+104h] 5926B979 push eax 5926B97A call _CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B97F lea
ecx,[esp+100h] 5926B986 call dword ptr [_imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B98C mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],7 5926B994 mov dword ptr [esp+100h],offset Exception:: vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B99F mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926B9AA mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B9B2 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B9B7 lea ecx,[esp+104h] 5926B9BE push ecx 5926B9BF call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B9C4 lea
ecx,[esp+30h] 5926B9C8 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B9CE mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],8 5926B9D6 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B99F mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926B9AA mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B9B2 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B9B7 lea ecx,[esp+104h] 5926B9BE push ecx 5926B9BF call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B9C4 lea
ecx,[esp+30h] 5926B9C8 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B9CE mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],8 5926B9D6 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B99F mov
dword ptr [esp+10Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926B9AA mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B9B2 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B9B7 lea ecx,[esp+104h] 5926B9BE push ecx 5926B9BF call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B9C4 lea
ecx,[esp+30h] 5926B9C8 call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926B9CE mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],8 5926B9D6 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926B9DE mov
dword ptr [esp+3Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926B9E6 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926B9EE push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926B9F3 lea edx,[esp+34h] 5926B9F7 push edx 5926B9F8 call _CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926B9FD lea ecx,[esp+30h] 5926BA01 call dword ptr [_imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926BA07 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],9 5926BA0F mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception:: vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926BA17 mov
dword ptr [esp+3Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926BA1F mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926BA27 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926BA2C lea eax,[esp+34h] 5926BA30 push eax 5926BA31 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926BA36 lea ecx,[esp+30h] 5926BA3A call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926BA40 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],0Ah 5926BA48 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926BA17 mov
dword ptr [esp+3Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926BA1F mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926BA27 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926BA2C lea eax,[esp+34h] 5926BA30 push eax 5926BA31 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926BA36 lea ecx,[esp+30h] 5926BA3A call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926BA40 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],0Ah 5926BA48 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926BA17 mov
dword ptr [esp+3Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926BA1F mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926BA27 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926BA2C lea eax,[esp+34h] 5926BA30 push eax 5926BA31 call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926BA36 lea ecx,[esp+30h] 5926BA3A call dword ptr [__imp_std::exception::exception (590013BCh)] 5926BA40 mov
byte ptr [esp+120h],0Ah 5926BA48 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],offset Exception::
vftable' (592A2F1Ch) 5926BA50 mov
dword ptr [esp+3Ch],offset string L"The condition should"... (592AC5A0h) 5926BA58 mov byte ptr [esp+120h],4 5926BA60 push offset __TI1?AVVBRuntimeException@@ (594C15ECh) 5926BA65 lea ecx,[esp+34h] 5926BA69 push ecx 5926BA6A call __CxxThrowException@8 (59458905h) 5926BA6F mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 5926BA73 mov esi,dword ptr [ecx+ebx*4]
5926BA76 test esi,esi 5926BA78 je 5926BA98
5926BA7A push 1 5926BA7C push ecx 5926BA7D push
esi 5926BA7E push edi 5926BA7F call
Builder::GetTypeDef (590B83C5h) 5926BA84 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+34h] 5926BA88 add esp,4 5926BA8B push eax
5926BA8C push edi 5926BA8D mov ecx,esi 5926BA8F call PEBuilder::EmitAttributesAttachedToSymbol (590B948Ah)
5926BA94 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+14h] 5926BA98 inc
ebx 5926BA99 cmp ebx,eax 5926BA9B jae 591B6774
5926BAA1 jmp 5926BA6F 5926BAA3 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 5926BAA7 mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+esi*4] 5926BAAA test ecx,ecx 5926BAAC je 5926BABC 5926BAAE mov
edx,dword ptr [esp+2Ch] 5926BAB2 push edi 5926BAB3 call
PEBuilder::DefineMembersOfPiaType (59416B76h) 5926BAB8 mov
eax,dword ptr [esp+14h] 5926BABC inc esi 5926BABD cmp
esi,eax 5926BABF jae 591B677E 5926BAC5 jmp
5926BAA3 5926BAC7 mov edx,dword ptr [edi+30h] 5926BACA push 0 5926BACC mov ecx,781Bh 5926BAD1 call
ErrorTable::CreateError (59020900h) 5926BAD6 add esp,4
5926BAD9 jmp 591B67CF 5926BADE push eax 5926BADF mov eax,dword ptr [g_vbCommonHeap (594EF058h)] 5926BAE4 push 0 5926BAE6 push eax 5926BAE7 call
dword ptr [_imp_HeapFree@12 (590011C4h)] 5926BAED jmp
591B67E3 5926BAF2 mov ebx,dword ptr [ebx+4Ch] 5926BAF5 jmp PEBuilder::DefineMemberOfContainer+2Bh (591933E9h)
5926BAFA mov ecx,ebx 5926BAFC call
BCSYM::DigThroughNamedType (59002029h)


上一篇: (VC ++)运行时检查未初始化的变量:测试如何实现?

下一篇: Visual Studio 2010崩溃10