Makefile library prerequisite

I have a makefile, which I am using to cross-compile for and embeded ARM platform with gcc. Specifcally, I am using arm-none-eabi-gcc, but the same appiles to avr-gcc, msp430-gcc, etc. Typically when using make+gcc (and not cross compiling) I list libs as prerequisite as follows:

programA.elf: programA.o foo.o -lm ...etc
programB.elf: programB.o bar.o -lftdi ...etc

    gcc $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

Make handles this "-lsyntax" very nicely, and its very convienient if you are building multiple progams/targets and want to have a generic rule for linking. The problem I have run into durring cross-compiling is that arm-none-eabi-gcc obviously has a different libm.a than my system's gcc (for example), but Make doesn't know whats going on here and keeps trying to use the x86 libm instead of the ARM base one. I can get things to work by adding the line:

.LIBPATTERNS = /usr/lib/arm-none-eabi/newlib/lib%.a

but it seems kinda clunky and exposes anyone wanting to compile the project to knowing a little more about the toolchain's install locations than is normally expected.

My question is: "Is there a better convention to list a binary's lib dependencies I should be using here that wont break when cross-compiling?"

This can be done. But a general solution is complex. I have Makefiles which build arm, x86, and c67 executables from a single set of sources. The page you reference eludes to the key: VPATH. I suggest a separate subdirectory for each architecture. The following is not working code, but it gives the idea

all:  arm/pgma x86/pgma
vpath %.c $(CURDIR)
arm x86:
        mkdir -p $@
arm/pgma: arm/main.o arm/sub.o | arm
x86/pgma: x86/main.o x86/sub.o more.o | x86
arm/%: CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc
arm/%: CFLAGS += -march=armv7-a -mtune=corex-a8
x86/%: CC=gcc
arm/%: VPATH = /usr/lib/arm-none-eabi/newlib
# Notice, VPATH not needed for x86 since it is the native host

This entire concept can be extend to build dependency file is each subdirectory as well debug and release variants. I have not tried this with the -lfoo, but it should work. Eg,

arm/pgma: arm/main.o arm/sub.o -lmylib | arm

上一篇: Addressof运算符在嵌入式环境中返回无效地址

下一篇: Makefile库的前提条件