Can the Postgres array overlap (&&) operator use an index?

We have a table with an indexed array column:

CREATE TABLE mention (
  id SERIAL,
  phraseIds integer[],
CREATE INDEX indx_mentions_phraseIds on mention USING GIN (phraseids public.gin__int_ops);

Queries using the "overlaps" operator on this column don't seem to use the index:

explain analyze select FROM mention m WHERE m.phraseIds && ARRAY[11638,11639];

Seq Scan on mention m  (cost=0.00..933723.44 rows=1404 width=4) (actual time=103.018..3751.525 rows=1101 loops=1)
Filter: (phraseids && '{11638,11639}'::integer[])
Rows Removed by Filter: 7019974
Total runtime: 3751.618 ms

Is it possible to get Postgresql to use the index? Or should we be doing something else?

Update: I repeated the test with 'SET enable_seqscan TO off' and the index is still not used.

Update: I should have mentioned that I am using 9.2 with the intarray extension.

Update: It seems that the intarray extension is part of this problem. I re-created the table without using the intarray extension and the index is used as expected. Anyone know how to get the index to be used with the intarray extension? The docs ( say that indexes are supported for &&.

I built a similar table in PostgreSQL 9.2; the difference was USING GIN (phraseids); I don't seem to have int_ops available in this context for some reason. I loaded a few thousand rows of random (ish) data.

Setting enable_seqscan off let PostgreSQL use the index.

PostgreSQL calculated the cost of a sequential scan to be less than the cost of a bitmap heap scan. The actual time of a sequential scan was 10% the actual time of a bitmap heap scan, but the total run time for a sequential scan was a little more than the total run time of a bitmap heap scan.


上一篇: 故障排除错误:在nodejs流中连接ECONNREFUSED

下一篇: Postgres数组可以重叠(&&)运算符使用索引吗?