Trouble understanding python generators

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  • What does the “yield” keyword do? 36 answers

  • Generators (like all iterables) can only be iterated over once. By the time print_gen(x) is done, so is x . Any further attempts to get new values from x will result in StopIteration being raised.

    This works:

    x = do_gen()
    y = (incr_gen(i) for i in do_gen())

    as that creates two separate independent generators. In your version, the generator expression you assigned to y expects x to yield more values.

    It is easier to see that the x generator is shared with y when you use the next() function on them in turn:

    >>> def do_gen():
    ...     for i in range(3):
    ...         yield i
    >>> def incr_gen(y):
    ...     return y + 1
    >>> x = do_gen()
    >>> y = (incr_gen(i) for i in x)
    >>> next(x)  # first value for the range
    >>> next(y)  # second value from the range, plus 1
    >>> next(x)  # third value from the range
    >>> next(y)  # no more values available, generator done
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

    Note the StopIteration raised by next(y) as well here.


    上一篇: “对于我在发电机()中:”做什么?

    下一篇: 无法理解python生成器