php: looking for pdf library which supports html
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Convert HTML + CSS to PDF with PHP?
i'm looking for a pdf library which can render html into a pdf, with support for css + images. any suggesstions?
You should Google search first.
I used to use TCPDF and DOMPDF but they fail massively in many cases.
I've started using WKhtmltox tools a year or so ago, been adding to it ever since.
Since it relies on webkit, you get the benefit of some CSS 3 and HTML 5.
Keep in mind this uses a real browser (webkit) thus most quirks are addressed by major browsers like chrome and safari. The alternatives, on the other hand, have their own problems. I remember being bugged with TCPDF tables, for example.
tcPDF, domPDF and mPDF all provide an HTML to PDF that supports styling (and I believe images as well). These are all pure PHP libraries, with no external dependencies, or command line requirements. There may be others as well.
链接地址:上一篇: 即时将php页面转换为pdf
下一篇: php:寻找支持html的pdf库