breaking spaces ("nbsp")?

Is it possible to insert a tab character in HTML instead of having to type   four times?

It's much cleaner to use CSS. Try padding-left:5em or margin-left:5em as appropriate instead.

It depends on which character set you want to use.

There's no tab entity defined in ISO-8859-1 HTML - but there are a couple of whitespace characters other than   such as   ,   ,and   .

In ASCII, 	 is a tab.

Here is a complete listing of HTML entities and a useful discussion of whitespace on Wikipedia.

No, tab is just whitespace as far as HTML is concerned. I'd recommend an em-space instead which is this big (-> <-) and is input as &emsp; . You might even be able to get away with using the unicode character for it if you're lucky.


上一篇: 我可以使用a:before还是:after伪

下一篇: 打破空间(“nbsp”)?