Good starting point for DOCTYPE to use

I am looking for something, like a good starting point for this question:

Which DOCTYPE should be used when I use

Until now I have changed this:

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional // EN" "" into this:

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML + RDFa 1.0 // EN" ""

But, what would be best practice here? doesn't explicitely recommend a doctype. I'd recommend to switch to an HTML5 doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It will be compatible with both microdata and RDFa 1.1 syntaxes which are useful for integration. (microdata is currently the only one shown in the examples though).

That was before XHTML5. If you prefer xml over html, start with xml declaration and serve content with MIME type application/xhtml+xml Particularly remember using < link rel="profile" href=""/> so user-agent web-browser will know to use new initial context, that, to date has never required separate rel="profile" for RDFa. Without new initial context, older doctype technique should work with quirks. For, prefix schema is predefined by RDFa initial context while documentation misleads into using microdata instead of RDFa. Schema helps search engines indexing aspects besides domain-specific ones, such as about page and web page with greater depth than markup tags.


上一篇: SVG不会在IE 10中使用Doctype HTML 4进行渲染

下一篇: DOCTYPE使用schema.org的良好起点