How can I Have Cherry Py redirect a browser to a website?

I was trying to make a Cherry Py page that would redirect the client to a certain site on a certain day of the week. I tried doing'') but that simply opened the website in the console. Is there a way you can have it redirect? Note:This is hosted on a Linux box I have offsite and not client side. All help is appreciated!


raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("")

@EricS answer is totally right and works, but you need to pay attention that it will default to a 303 http error code. If you need a 301 or 302 you need to do the following:

raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("", status=301)

上一篇: CSS更改hr标签的颜色

下一篇: 我如何让Cherry Py将浏览器重定向到网站?