CSS display: inline vs inline

Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between display: inline and display: inline-block?

In CSS, display can have values of inline and inline-block . Can anyone explain in detail the difference between inline and inline-block ?

I searched everywhere, the most detailed explanation tells me inline-block is placed as inline , but behaves like block . But it does not explain what exactly "behave as a block" means. Is it any special feature?

An example would be an even better answer. Thanks.

Inline elements:

  • respect left & right margins and padding, but not top & bottom
  • cannot have a width and height set
  • allow other elements to sit to their left and right.
  • see very important side notes on this here.
  • Block elements:

  • respect all of those
  • force a line break after the block element
  • acquires full-width if width not defined
  • Inline-block elements:

  • allow other elements to sit to their left and right
  • respect top & bottom margins and padding
  • respect height and width
  • From W3Schools:

  • An inline element has no line break before or after it, and it tolerates HTML elements next to it.

  • A block element has some whitespace above and below it and does not tolerate any HTML elements next to it.

  • An inline-block element is placed as an inline element (on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block element.

  • When you visualize this, it looks like this:


    The image is taken from this page, which also talks some more about this subject.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/15784.html

    上一篇: 从内联删除右边距

    下一篇: CSS显示:内联与内联