Redmine Git repo out of synch after branch rename

I have a git post-receive script that pushes to a second, bare repo, which is used by Redmine to track git commits. Recently, I renamed branch FOO to BAR, but it doesn't look like the Redmine repo has picked this up. How can I let the bare repo know that the branch has been renamed?

In short there is no easy way to let the bare repository automatically know that the branch has been renamed. There is a degree of manual intervention needed to get it to work. The steps outlined in the link by Ryan Pendleton should fix it for you.

I used to host my own Redmine and Git servers myself, but it was for reasons like this that I moved to using GitHub as a source code repository and FogBugz to manages cases.


上一篇: 如何压缩已推送到远程的特定提交?

下一篇: Redmine Git repo在分支重命名后不同步