Bitwise memmove

What is the best way to implement a bitwise memmove ? The method should take an additional destination and source bit-offset and the count should be in bits too.

  • I saw that ARM provides a non-standard _membitmove , which does exactly what I need, but I couldn't find its source.
  • Bind's bitset includes isc_bitstring_copy , but it's not efficient
  • I'm aware that the C standard library doesn't provide such a method, but I also couldn't find any third-party code providing a similar method.

  • As a Highlevel-language provides of the smallest unit as 1 Byte, there won't be a standard function that will offer you this option. Maybe you can look for a third party library which offers such functions, but otherwise you would have to code it your self.

    Assuming "best" means "easiest", you can copy bits one by one. Conceptually, an address of a bit is an object (struct) that has a pointer to a byte in memory and an index of a bit in the byte.

    struct pointer_to_bit
        uint8_t* p;
        int b;
    void membitmovebl(
        void *dest,
        const void *src,
        int dest_offset,
        int src_offset,
        size_t nbits)
        // Create pointers to bits
        struct pointer_to_bit d = {dest, dest_offset};
        struct pointer_to_bit s = {src, src_offset};
        // Bring the bit offsets to range (0...7)
        d.p += d.b / 8; // replace division by right-shift if bit offset can be negative 
        d.b %= 8; // replace "%=8" by "&=7" if bit offset can be negative
        s.p += s.b / 8;
        s.b %= 8;
        // Determine whether it's OK to loop forward
        if (d.p < s.p || d.p == s.p && d.b <= s.b)
            // Copy bits one by one
            for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++)
                // Read 1 bit
                int bit = (*s.p >> s.b) & 1;
                // Write 1 bit
                *d.p &= ~(1 << d.b);
                *d.p |= bit << d.b;
                // Advance pointers
                if (++s.b == 8)
                    s.b = 0;
                if (++d.b == 8)
                    d.b = 0;
            // Copy stuff backwards - essentially the same code but ++ replaced by --

    If you want to write a version optimized for speed, you will have to do copying by bytes (or, better, words), unroll loops, and handle a number of special cases ( memmove does that; you will have to do more because your function is more complicated).

    PS Oh, seeing that you call isc_bitstring_copy inefficient, you probably want the speed optimization. You can use the following idea:

    Start copying bits individually until the destination is byte-aligned ( db == 0 ). Then, it is easy to copy 8 bits at once, doing some bit twiddling. Do this until there are less than 8 bits left to copy; then continue copying bits one by one.

    // Copy 8 bits from s to d and advance pointers
    *d.p = *s.p++ >> s.b;
    *d.p++ |= *s.p << (8 - s.b);

    PPS Oh, and seeing your comment on what you are going to use the code for, you don't really need to implement all the versions (byte/halfword/word, big/little-endian); you only want the easiest one - the one working with words ( uint32_t ).

    Here is a partial implementation (not tested). There are obvious efficiency and usability improvements.

    Copy n bytes from src to dest (not overlapping src ), and shift bits at dest rightwards by bit bits, 0 <= bit <= 7. This assumes that the least significant bits are at the right of the bytes

    void memcpy_with_bitshift(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, size_t n, int bit)
      int i;
      memcpy(dest, src, n);
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        dest[i] >> bit;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        dest[i+1] |= (src[i] << (8 - bit));

    Some improvements to be made:

  • Don't overwrite first bit bits at beginning of dest .
  • Merge loops
  • Have a way to copy a number of bits not divisible by 8
  • Fix for >8 bits in a char
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