Setting WYMeditor's contents with AngularJS

I've got a WYMeditor instance on my page, and I'd like to control the value of the text inside using AngularJS.

Several methods I've tried and non worked:

Let's assume:

$scope.Details = 'foo';

and it's changing depending on different user actions.

  • Using ng-model:

    <textarea ng-model="Details" class="wymeditor"></textarea>

    doesn't work, as when I modify Details, the contents of the actual textarea changes, but it's hidden, and the contents of the inner iFrame that belongs to WYMeditor don't change.

  • Using WYMeditor's html() function inside my Angular controller:

    wym = jQuery.wymeditors(0);

    This returns an error message referring to WYMeditor's html() function declaration.

    Error: this._doc is undefined
  • I'm Using WYMeditor 0.5, Angular 1.1.5, jQuery 2.0.3 and jQuery-migrate 1.2.1 (for WYMeditor to function with jQuery 2).

    I thought of somehow adding ng-model="Details" to the iFrame declaration, but I have no idea on how to do that, and it seems like there's a deeper issue to resolve here that working around like that.


    WYMeditor takes some time to initialize. It's best to setup interactions with it in the postInit hook.

      .directive('wymeditor', ($log, $parse) ->
          ngModel: '='
        restrict: 'C'
        link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
          $log.debug 'Initializing WYMeditor', attrs.wymOptions
          options = $parse(attrs.wymOptions)()
          options.postInit = (wym) ->
            # we need to wait till editor is ready to interact with it
            scope.$watch 'ngModel', (newVal, oldVal) ->
              $log.debug 'ngModel Changed, refreshing editor....'
          element.wymeditor( options )

    You then setup WYMeditor with something like this:

        skin: 'seamless',
        iframeHtml: WYMeditor.SKINS.seamless.OPTS.iframeHtml,
        logoHtml: ''

    Please note that the above does not populate the model back. WYMeditor doesn't provide a way to detect changes. The most reliable way is to poll for changes every few seconds. Check out textAngular instead.


    上一篇: WYMeditor在移动

    下一篇: 使用AngularJS设置WYMeditor的内容