Deploying Linux using Mono to deploy aspnet web/website application?

I have a C#/ASP.NET 4.0 framework application which works on windows with IIS. But recently I'm tempted to switch to Linux/Mono. It comes up with some questions:

Based on goggled i have found the option is using Mono cecil

so i downloaded and installed in windows

in windows:

1) Mono Migration Analyzer 2) Mono for Windows, Gtk#, and XSP

in opensuse :

zypper addrepo mono-stable zypper refresh --repo mono-stable zypper dist-upgrade --repo mono-stable

then i have given my dll to Mono Migration Analyzer for checking migration . finally it also succeed

now my problem is

1)How can i proceed after this step?

2)How can i make that web/website application to run on mono for conversion?

3)How can i make it to run with Apache tomcat server?

4)How can i make it to run the application in opensuse environment?

waiting for your valuable suggestions and comments


上一篇: C#端口到Linux Mono或.NET Core

下一篇: 使用Mono部署Linux以部署aspnet web /网站应用程序?