Difference between Hashtable and Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap)

As far as I know, java.util.Hashtable synchronizes each and every method in the java.util.Map interface, while Collections.synchronizedMap(hash_map) returns a wrapper object containing synchronized methods delegating calls to the actual hash_map (correct me if I am wrong).

I have two questions :

  • What difference does it make to synchronize each and every method and to have a wrapper class? What are the scenarios to choose one over the other?

  • What happens when we do Collections.synchronizedMap(hash_table) ? Will this be equal to simply using a normal java.util.Hashtable ?

  • Here are the answers I've gotten from a bit of (hopefully correct) research:

  • Both provide the same degree of synchronization. If you were to wrap Hashtable through Collections.synchronized you would have the same degree, but with another redundant layer, of synchronization.

  • The main difference between Hashtable and Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap) exist more at the API level. Because Hashtable is part of Java's legacy code, you'll see that the Hashtable API is enhanced to implement the Map interface, to become part of Java's collections framework. This means that if you were to wrap Hashtable through Collections.synchronizedMap() , the API of the wrapped Hashtable would become limited to the Map API. So if the API of Hashtable is encompassed in your definition of behavior , then it is obviously altered/limited.

  • One more difference that I can find at the implementation of both the classes is as follows:

    • The Hashtable class has all its methods synchronized ie the locking is done at the method level and hence one can say that the mutex is always at the Hashtable object ( this ) level.

    • The method Collections.synchronizedMap(Map) returns an instance of SynchronizedMap which is an inner class to the Collections class. This class has all its methods in a Synchronized block with a mutex. The difference lies in the mutex here. The inner class SynchronizedMap has two constructors, one which takes only Map as an argument and another which takes a Map and an Object (mutex) as an argument. By default if one uses the first constructor of passing only a Map , this is used as a mutex. Though, the developer is allowed to pass another object of mutex as a second argument by which the lock on the Map methods would be only on that Object and hence less restrictive than Hashtable .

    • Hence, Hashtable uses method level synchronization but Collections.synchronizedMap(Map) provides a flexibility to developer lock on provided mutex with Synchronized block.

    The first associative collection class to appear in the Java class library was Hashtable, which was part of JDK 1.0. Hashtable provided an easy-to-use, thread-safe, associative map capability, and it was certainly convenient. However, the thread-safety came at a price -- all methods of Hashtable were synchronized. At that time, uncontended synchronization had a measurable performance cost. The successor to Hashtable, HashMap, which appeared as part of the Collections framework in JDK 1.2, addressed thread-safety by providing an unsynchronized base class and a synchronized wrapper, Collections.synchronizedMap. Separating the base functionality from the thread-safety Collections.synchronizedMap allowed users who needed synchronization to have it, but users who didn't need it didn't have to pay for it.

    The simple approach to synchronization taken by both Hashtable and synchronizedMap -- synchronizing each method on the Hashtable or the synchronized Map wrapper object -- has two principal deficiencies. It is an impediment to scalability, because only one thread can access the hash table at a time. At the same time, it is insufficient to provide true thread safety, in that many common compound operations still require additional synchronization. While simple operations such as get() and put() can complete safely without additional synchronization, there are several common sequences of operations, such as iteration or put-if-absent, which still require external synchronization to avoid data races.

    The following link is the source and has more information: Concurrent Collections Classes

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/16368.html

    上一篇: HashMap和字典ADT之间的区别

    下一篇: Hashtable和Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap)之间的区别