How can I delete a folder using CMD utitilty in Windows XP?

I have a folder without any file in it in my external hard. I am able to rename it, but not able to delete it. I ran CMD utility as an administrator and I tried the commands "del foldername", "rd foldername", "deltree foldername" (the last one was not allowed in Windows XP). They give me the message "Access is denied." for "rd foldername". How can I delete it?

I am not cmd guru, but simple as 1-2-3 is delete folder using system account.

at 11:11pm /interactive cmd

Now if system command appear, delete folder:

del foldername


attrib /s foldername

This should show you the directory attributes.

If the response is

R   x:dirname

then the directory is "read-only". In that case, execute

attrib -r foldername

and you should then be able to rd it.

It may be that the directory has (possibly hidden, possibly read-only) contents. The attrib /s should show these to you.


上一篇: 无法从Git仓库中删除子模块

下一篇: 如何在Windows XP中使用CMD utitilty删除文件夹?