What is the correct regular expression for an email address?

Duplicate : Using a regular expression to validate an email address

There seem to be an awful lot of different variants on this on the web and was wondering if there is a definitive answer?

Preferably using the .net (Regex) dialect of regular expressions.

This question has been asked and answered several times:

Using a regular expression to validate an email address

Why are people using regexp for email and other complex validation?

Regexp recognition of email address hard?

Specifically related to .NET:

Validating e-mail with regular expression VB.Net



The definitive answer? Or the normal answer?

I ask because the formal email address specification allows all sorts of weird things (parenthesis, quoted phrases, etc) that most people don't bother to account for.

See this page for a list of both comprehensive and normal regex'es.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/16572.html

上一篇: 电子邮件正则表达式

下一篇: 什么是电子邮件地址的正确表达式?