How to build a tree view with PHP / SQL?

What's the best way to:

  • Get the data from the db using a single query
  • Loop through the results building eg a nested unordered list
  • My table has id , name and parent_id columns.

    Here's an update to my last answer, with a counter that gives each ul a nesting 'level' class, and some comments.

    Could anyone suggest how to adapt this to use table rows, without nesting, but with some kind of class numbering hierarchy for css/js hooks?

    // Get the data
    $query = "SELECT c.* 
              FROM categories AS c
              ORDER BY
              LIMIT 1000";          
    $result = pg_query($db, $query);
    // Load all the results into the row array
    while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC))
      // Wrap the row array in a parent array, using the id as they key
      // Load the row values into the new parent array
      $categories[$row['id']] = array(
        'id' => $row['id'], 
        'description' => $row['description'], 
        'parent_id' => $row['parent_id']
    // print '<pre>';
    // print_r($category_array);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create a function to generate a nested view of an array (looping through each array item)
    // From:
    function generate_tree_list($array, $parent = 0, $level = 0)
      // Reset the flag each time the function is called
      $has_children = false;
      // Loop through each item of the list array
      foreach($array as $key => $value)
        // For the first run, get the first item with a parent_id of 0 (= root category)
        // (or whatever id is passed to the function)
        // For every subsequent run, look for items with a parent_id matching the current item's key (id)
        // (eg. get all items with a parent_id of 2)
        // This will return false (stop) when it find no more matching items/children
        // If this array item's parent_id value is the same as that passed to the function
        // eg. [parent_id] => 0   == $parent = 0 (true)
        // eg. [parent_id] => 20  == $parent = 0 (false)
        if ($value['parent_id'] == $parent) 
          // Only print the wrapper ('<ul>') if this is the first child (otherwise just print the item)      
          // Will be false each time the function is called again
          if ($has_children === false)
            // Switch the flag, start the list wrapper, increase the level count
            $has_children = true;  
            echo '<ul class="level-' . $level . '">';
          // Print the list item
          echo '<li><a href="?id=' . $value['id'] . '">' . $value['description'] . '</a>';
          // Repeat function, using the current item's key (id) as the parent_id argument
          // Gives us a nested list of subcategories
          generate_tree_list($array, $key, $level); 
          // Close the item
          echo '</li>';
      // If we opened the wrapper above, close it.
      if ($has_children === true) echo '</ul>';
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // generate list

    function generate_list($array,$parent,$level)
      foreach ($array as $value)
        if ($value['parent_id']==$parent)
          if ($has_children==false)
            echo '<ul>';
          echo '<li>'.$value['member_name'].' -- '.$value['id'].' -- '.$value['parent_id'];
          echo '</li>';
        if ($has_children==true) echo '</ul>';
        echo $value['parent_id'];


    You can create a breadcrumb view style by using arrays, without using a recursive function.

    Here is my working code:

    First, make a SQL query like this:

    $category = CHtml::listData(TblCategory::model()->findAllCategory(array(
    'join'=>'LEFT JOIN tbl_category b on = t.cat_parent',
    'join'=>'LEFT JOIN tbl_category c on c.cat_parent = 0',
    'order' => 'cat_name')),'id','cat_name');

    上一篇: 在SQL数据库中存储纬度和经度数据时使用哪种数据类型?

    下一篇: 如何使用PHP / SQL构建树视图?