Problems using Jabber in Emacs on windows

While I realize that the combination of Emacs on Windows as a Jabber client might be the definition of "impasse", I feel like there might be some one else with the gumption and fortitude to get this working (without cygwin, etc).

I'm using GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2010-05-08.

Right now I get a

connection lost: 'Stream error: Policy violation', and a message like so:

You are using an invalid client, and therefore will be disconnected. Please ask your system administrator for client choices.

The invalid client generates the Policy Violation from what I've gleaned from the XMPP RFC definition.

Any ideas on how to remedy this? I'm hoping that some where in the jabber.el code I could just have it send a valid client name.


I have not used jabber (as in jabber.el), so I couldn't speak for it.

I login to jabber/gmail accounts through bitlbee. It has been working fine for me. I use it on Linux machines. Not sure how it works on Windows machines. Perhaps consider using one of their public servers. I have used their public servers when I use my macbookpro. They work fine.

In jabber-version.el , change the line:

(name () "jabber.el")

and put something that the server will accept instead of jabber.el . Use CMx after editing to reload the function under point.


上一篇: 如何创建jabber / XMPP代理/日志记录服务?

下一篇: 在Windows上使用Emacs中的Jabber问题