Why is a function declaration within a condition block hoisted to function scope in Chrome but not Firefox?

Why the following codes output different results between Chrome and Firefox?

f = function() {return true;}; 
g = function() {return false;}; 
(function() { 
   if (g() && [] == ![]) { 
      f = function f() {return false;}; 
      function g() {return true;} 

In Chrome: the result is false . However, in Firefox, it is true .

The key line of the above codes is line 4, and base on my knowledge of function name hoisting, the function g should be in line 6, namely the line 2 is overridden by line 6. IMO, the behavior of Chrome is correct.

Am I right on this? if so, why Firefox outputs different results?

ECMAScript 5, the current official specification of the JavaScript language, does not define the behavior for function declarations inside blocks.

Quoting Kangax:

FunctionDeclarations are only allowed to appear in Program or FunctionBody. Syntactically, they can not appear in Block ( { ... } ) — such as that of if , while or for statements. This is because Blocks can only contain Statements, not SourceElements, which FunctionDeclaration is. If we look at production rules carefully, we can see that the only way Expression is allowed directly within Block is when it is part of ExpressionStatement. However, ExpressionStatement is explicitly defined to not begin with "function" keyword , and this is exactly why FunctionDeclaration cannot appear directly within a Statement or Block (note that Block is merely a list of Statements).

Because of these restrictions, whenever function appears directly in a block (such as in the previous example) it should actually be considered a syntax error , not function declaration or expression. The problem is that almost none of the implementations I've seen parse these functions strictly per rules (exceptions are BESEN and DMDScript). They interpret them in proprietary ways instead.

Also worth quoting the ECMAScript 6 draft - B.3.3 Block-Level Function Declarations Web Legacy Compatibility Semantics:

Prior to the Sixth Edition, the ECMAScript specification did not define the occurrence of a FunctionDeclaration as an element of a Block statement's StatementList. However, support for that form of FunctionDeclaration was an allowable extension and most browser-hosted ECMAScript implementations permitted them. Unfortunately, the semantics of such declarations differ among those implementations. [...]

As ES5 does not define the behavior for function declarations inside blocks while allowing proprietary extensions, there are technically no "rights" or "wrongs". Consider them "unspecified behavior" which is not portable across different ES5-compliant environments.

Those are easy to rewrite into portable code anyway:

  • Should the function declaration be hoisted to the top of the current function/global scope? Make sure the function declaration is not directly inside of a block.
  • Should the function be declared only when the block executes? Assign a function expression to a variable ( var f = function() {}; ). Note that there is no hoisting and the variable is still accessible outside of the block ( var declarations are function-level scoped).

  • As per ECMAScript 6, function declarations are block-scoped, so Firefox implements the correct behavior ES6-wise.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/17260.html

    上一篇: 匿名函数在JavaScript中是不好的做法吗?

    下一篇: 为什么一个条件块中的函数声明被提升到Chrome中的函数作用域而不是Firefox?