Creating your own packages using chocolatey

I am trying to create a package with chocolatey for an application called Listary. I have followed the instructions in the chocolatey wiki and also the article here.

I have also created an account on and setup the API key using

nuget setApiKey -Source

where is replaced with your API key.

When I entered the command choco pack to create the nuget packet, it said Successfully created package , but when I test the package that I just created using cinst Listary -source Listary.1.0.nupkg -force it says

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

Command 'install' failed (sometimes this indicates a partial failure). Additional info/packages: Listary

This is what I have in my Listary.nuspec file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Zhenheng Dai</authors>
    <owners>Zhenheng Dai</owners>
    <summary>Keep files at your fingertips. Listary is a unique search utility for Windows.</summary>
    <description>Listary is a unique search utility for Windows. Not only does it make file browsing truly flexible -- thanks to its multi-file managers support -- but the ultra-compact UI also redefines minimalism. The lightweight design doesn't stop it from providing various advanced features however, that may fit the needs of both casual and power users alike. All you have to do is just type the file name that you’re looking for, and Listary will display the search results at breakneck speed.</description>
    <tags>listary search find filemanager admin</tags>
    <file src="tools**" target="tools" />

and the chocolateyInstall.ps1 contains the following.

$packageName = 'Listary'
$installerType = 'exe'
$url = ''
Install-ChocolateyPackage "$packageName" "$installerType" "$silentArgs" "$url" (fixed link)

Note the source is not a nupkg but rather a directory where the nupkg file is found.

In choco.exe (the reincarnation of Chocolatey), you can simply point to a nuspec or a nupkg file for install.


上一篇: 使用PHP / MySQL的平均响应时间

下一篇: 使用巧克力创建你自己的包