Find the version of an installed npm package
How to find the version of an installed node.js/npm package ?
This prints the version of npm itself:
npm -v <package-name>
This prints a cryptic error:
npm version <package-name>
This prints the package version on the registry (ie the latest version available):
npm view <package-name> version
How do I get the installed version ?
npm list
for local packages or npm list -g
for globally installed packages.
You can find the version of a specific package by passing its name as an argument. For example, npm list grunt
will result in:
projectName@projectVersion /path/to/project/folder
└── grunt@0.4.1
Alternatively, you can just run npm list
without passing a package name as an argument to see the versions of all your packages:
├─┬ cli-color@0.1.6
│ └── es5-ext@0.7.1
├── coffee-script@1.3.3
├── less@1.3.0
├─┬ sentry@0.1.2
│ ├── file@0.2.1
│ └── underscore@1.3.3
└── uglify-js@1.2.6
Another quick way of finding out what packages are installed locally and without their dependencies is to use:
npm list --depth=0
Which gives you something like
├── bower@0.8.6
├── grunt@0.4.1
├── grunt-bower-requirejs@0.4.3
├── grunt-contrib-clean@0.4.1
├── grunt-contrib-coffee@0.7.0
├── grunt-contrib-copy@0.4.1
├── grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.1.4
├── grunt-contrib-jshint@0.1.1
├── grunt-contrib-livereload@0.1.2
├── grunt-contrib-requirejs@0.4.1
├── grunt-regarde@0.1.1
└── grunt-svgmin@0.1.0
Obviously, the same can be done globally with npm list -g --depth=0
This method is clearer in case you have installed a lot of packages.
To find out which packages need to be updated, you can use npm outdated -g --depth=0
npm view <package> version
- returns the latest available version on the package.
npm list --depth=0
- returns versions of all installed modules without dependencies.
npm list
- returns versions of all modules and dependencies.
And lastly to get node version: node -v
上一篇: Grunt,NPM和Bower之间的区别(package.json vs bower.json)
下一篇: 查找已安装的npm软件包的版本