Is it possible to draw an image in the console using C#?

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  • Display a Image in a console application 7 answers

  • No. It is not possible to draw to the console window. It supports text only. The closest you will get is ASCII art! I would recommend WPF app for graphics

    Actually, the answer is "Yes it is, sort of". Take a look at Drawing in a Win32 Console on C++? for native code for drawing on top of the console window.

    To do this with C#, you'd most likely need to call down into native code to do the actual work.

    And you wouldn't really be drawing in the console window itself, only into a window drawn above it (a subtle, but potentially important difference).

    Interesting thought:

    Though Ascii art, the only possible way I can think of, might not be what you had in mind.


    上一篇: 如何在Visual Studio单元测试框架中将视图呈现为字符串?

    下一篇: 是否有可能使用C#在控制台中绘制图像?