



  • 只接受azAZ (字母字符)作为单词的一部分。
  • 忽略套管( She == she为我们的目的)。
  • 我忽略了下面的几个字(我知道这是非常随意的): the, and, of, to, a, i, it, in, or, is
  • 澄清:考虑don't :这将被视为azAZ范围内的两个不同的'单词':( dont )。

  • 可选地 (现在要正式更改规格为时已晚),您可以选择放弃所有单个字母的单词(这可能会缩短忽略列表的范围)。

  • 解析给定的text (读取通过命令行参数指定的文件或输入;假设us-ascii )并为我们构建一个具有以下特征的word frequency chart

  • 显示22个最常用单词(按降序排列)的图表(请参阅下面的示例)。
  • width表示单词的出现次数(按比例)。 追加一个空格并打印单词。
  • 确保这些条(加上空格 - 词 - 空间)总是适合的: bar + [space] + word + [space]应该总是<= 80字符(确保考虑到可能存在不同的条和词长度:例如:第二个最常用的单词可能比第一单词长得多,但频率差别不大)。 在这些约束条件下最大化条宽,并适当缩放条(根据它们所代表的频率)。
  • 一个例子:



    |_________________________________________________________________________| she 
    |_______________________________________________________________| you 
    |____________________________________________________________| said 
    |____________________________________________________| alice 
    |______________________________________________| was 
    |__________________________________________| that 
    |___________________________________| as 
    |_______________________________| her 
    |____________________________| with 
    |____________________________| at 
    |___________________________| s 
    |___________________________| t 
    |_________________________| on 
    |_________________________| all 
    |______________________| this 
    |______________________| for 
    |______________________| had 
    |_____________________| but 
    |____________________| be 
    |____________________| not 
    |___________________| they 
    |__________________| so 


    [('she', 553), ('you', 481), ('said', 462), ('alice', 403), ('was', 358), ('that
    ', 330), ('as', 274), ('her', 248), ('with', 227), ('at', 227), ('s', 219), ('t'
    , 218), ('on', 204), ('all', 200), ('this', 181), ('for', 179), ('had', 178), ('
    but', 175), ('be', 167), ('not', 166), ('they', 155), ('so', 152)]


    |________________________________________________________________| she 
    |_______________________________________________________| superlongstringstring 
    |_____________________________________________________| said 
    |______________________________________________| alice 
    |________________________________________| was 
    |_____________________________________| that 
    |______________________________| as 
    |___________________________| her 
    |_________________________| with 
    |_________________________| at 
    |________________________| s 
    |________________________| t 
    |______________________| on 
    |_____________________| all 
    |___________________| this 
    |___________________| for 
    |___________________| had 
    |__________________| but 
    |_________________| be 
    |_________________| not 
    |________________| they 
    |________________| so 


    最短的解决方案(按字符数,每种语言)。 玩的开心!

    编辑 :目前为止总结结果的表(2012-02-15)(最初由用户Nas Banov添加):

    Language          Relaxed  Strict
    =========         =======  ======
    GolfScript          130     143
    Perl                        185
    Windows PowerShell  148     199
    Mathematica                 199
    Ruby                185     205
    Unix Toolchain      194     228
    Python              183     243
    Clojure                     282
    Scala                       311
    Haskell                     333
    Awk                         336
    R                   298
    Javascript          304     354
    Groovy              321
    Matlab                      404
    C#                          422
    Smalltalk           386
    PHP                 450
    F#                          452
    TSQL                483     507

    数字表示特定语言中最短解的长度。 “严格”是指完全实现规范的解决方案(绘制|____|条形图,用____线关闭第一个条形图,说明高频率的长词的可能性等)。 “轻松”意味着一些自由度被缩短以解决问题。

    仅包含500个字符以内的解决方案。 语言列表按“严格”解决方案的长度排序。 'Unix Toolchain'用来表示使用传统的* nix shell加上混合工具(如grep,tr,sort,uniq,head,perl,awk)的各种解决方案。

    LabVIEW 51节点,5个结构,10个图表

    教大象去踢踏舞永远不会很漂亮。 我会啊,跳过字符数。






    w=($<.read.downcase.scan(/[a-z]+/)-%w{the and of to a i it in or is}).group_by{|x|x}.map{|x,y|[-y.size,x]}.sort[0,22]
    puts [?s+?_*m=76-l.size,w.map{|f,x|?|+?_*(f*m/k)+"| "+x}]

    不像其他解决方案那样使用任何命令行开关,只需将文件名作为参数传递即可。 (即ruby1.9 wordfrequency.rb Alice.txt

    由于我在这里使用字符文字,所以此解决方案仅适用于Ruby 1.9。

    编辑:用“换行”替换分号以换行。 :P

    编辑2:Shtééf指出我忘记了尾部空间 - 解决了这个问题。


    GolfScript,177 175 173 167 164 163 144 131 130个字符

    慢 - 样本文本3分钟(130)

    {32|.123%97<n@if}%]''*n%"oftoitinorisa"2/-"theandi"3/-$(1@{.3$>1{;)}if}/]2/{~~;}$22<.0=~:2;,76-:1'_':0*' '@{"
    |"~1*2/0*'| '@}/


    {           #loop through all characters
     32|.       #convert to uppercase and duplicate
     123%97<    #determine if is a letter
     n@if       #return either the letter or a newline
    }%          #return an array (of ints)
    ]''*        #convert array to a string with magic
    n%          #split on newline, removing blanks (stack is an array of words now)
    "oftoitinorisa"   #push this string
    2/          #split into groups of two, i.e. ["of" "to" "it" "in" "or" "is" "a"]
    -           #remove any occurrences from the text
    "theandi"3/-#remove "the", "and", and "i"
    $           #sort the array of words
    (1@         #takes the first word in the array, pushes a 1, reorders stack
                #the 1 is the current number of occurrences of the first word
    {           #loop through the array
     .3$>1{;)}if#increment the count or push the next word and a 1
    ]2/         #gather stack into an array and split into groups of 2
    {~~;}$     #sort by the latter element - the count of occurrences of each word
    22<         #take the first 22 elements
    .0=~:2;     #store the highest count
    ,76-:1     #store the length of the first line
    '_':0*' '@ #make the first line
    {           #loop through each word
    |"~        #start drawing the bar
    1*2/0       #divide by zero
    *'| '@      #finish drawing the bar

    “正确”(希望)。 (143)

    {32|.123%97<n@if}%]''*n%"oftoitinorisa"2/-"theandi"3/-$(1@{.3$>1{;)}if}/]2/{~~;}$22<..0=1=:^;{~76@,-^*/}%$0=:1'_':0*' '@{"
    |"~1*^/0*'| '@}/

    慢一点 - 半分钟。 (162)

    '"'/' ':S*n/S*'"#{%q
    |"~1*2/0*'| '@}/


    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/18121.html

    上一篇: Build an ASCII chart of the most commonly used words in a given text

    下一篇: How to sort a Python dict by value