Unresolved inclusion error in Bada

I'm developing and app for Bada OS and i need use vectors and other standar structures from stl. But when i write:

#include <vector>

The Bada sdk throws me an error:

unresolved inclusion: vector

I'm looking for a solution on Internet and the solution always is include the stl's path on the configuration of the project (Bada IDE are derivated from Eclipse).

But i don't know where is that path, i tried to include all the path that i found (in minGW, bada directory, etc) and the compiler doesn't run if i include it.

Please help me! (sorry about my poor english)

<vector> is part of the C++ standard library. If you can get to other headers from the standard library, then you don't need to mess with the path.

Some embedded compilers might not do templates, so <vector> wouldn't be part of their library. If that's the case, you're out of luck.

If the compiler throwing you the error, or Eclipse? In my bada experience, standard C++ headers (STL and such) are marked by Eclipse as unresolved, but the compiler finds them all right.

This is not a compilation error - this is an IDE error. Ignore it and continue working. STL is supported on bada.

Bada SDK 2.0.5, targeting bada 2.0 (both HVGA and WVGA).

even if it says this, it compiles fine, Eclipse gives me the same remark when including to use the c++ string, but it compiles fine

Best regards

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/18424.html

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