to with parameters secure?
As a general rule of thumb you aren't supposed to trust any input of data from users. If you had a simple link_to with a parameter:
link_to "Click me", test_path(:my_param => "test")
The route might look like:
How do I know if the param, or any injected data for that matter, is being filtered properly? The Rails 3 API doesn't specify that it filters data that is passed to the controller, but I want to make sure that the params[:my_param] is filtered securely in the controller before I utilize the params data.
Any thoughts?
Rails framework doesn't secure things by default for GET
request. link_to tag is sending a http get request.
request then the Rails uses protect_from_forgery
for verify the data sending url
However in your case, its not hard to write a simple method to verify your data for get requests ,
you could write a before_filter
to check the sending parameters for a GET request
链接地址:上一篇: Rails将资源创建嵌套在不同的页面上
下一篇: 以参数安全?