Converting Date to JS Date Object
I have a date in a weird format and I am not sure how to turn it into a JS Date Object. I am sure libraries like moment.js have utilities for this but I don't really want to load an entire library just for this conversion. Here is the data:
EDIT: I have updated the back end code to use a string in the JSON instead of a C# Date time and then I convert the DateTime as follows:
This is giving me this string: 2016-09-02T10:13:12
So now my problem is if I do var date = new Date("2016-09-02T10:13:12"); javascript gives back:
Fri Sep 02 2016 06:13:12 GMT-0400 (EDT)
But it should give me:
Fri Sep 02 2016 10:13:12 GMT-0400 (EDT)
It appears the time zone conversion is being like doubled or something? Anyone know how to fix this?
var input = "/Date(1472586116588-0400)/";
var [match, msec, offset] = input.match(/((d+)([+-]d+))/);
var offsetHours = Math.floor(offset / 100);
var offsetMinutes = offset - offsetHours * 100;
var date = new Date(msec - offsetHours * 60 * 60 * 1000 - offsetMinutes * 60 * 1000);
Fixed by changing backend data to string in ISO 8601 formate instead of C# DateTime as follows:
This can then simply be turned into a javascript date using new Date({string here});
Credit to James Thorpe for suggesting fixing JSON data on backend rather than hacking it to fit on the front end.
链接地址:上一篇: 如何在JavaScript中输出ISO 8601格式的字符串?
下一篇: 将日期转换为JS日期对象