rebase vs reset vs revert? I just want to roll back
This question already has an answer here:
If you have already pushed your branch somewhere or someone pulled from you, your only option is to git revert $COMMIT...
. This will create a commit that undoes whatever you've done in commit(s) $COMMIT...
For example to revert the last three commits:
git revert HEAD~2..HEAD
If you have kept your commits entirely local and private, you can simply git reset $COMMIT
which will move your branch pointer to $COMMIT
so the branch no longer includes the following commits.
Depending on the state of your index and working tree, you might want any of the options git reset --soft $COMMIT
or git reset --hard $COMMIT
For example to reset your branch to the commit before the last three:
git reset HEAD~3
git rebase
does not sound like what you want.
You use it when you want to copy or "move" some commits from one commit that they are based on, to be based on another commit (another base), hence "rebase".
How about this way:
you create a branch for hash 3.
create a PR or merge this branch to master(hash 6)
上一篇: 在TFS上回滚GIT
下一篇: 重置vs重置vs还原? 我只想回滚