ViM syntax highlighting based on column

I have a column-formatted text file that I'd like highlighted in ViM. I want to highlight the file like this:

  • Column 1-60: no highlighting
  • Column 61-65: red
  • Column 66-70: blue
  • Column 71-80: green
  • I have seen examples of highlighting based on regular expressions or keywords, but I'm not sure how to do this based solely on the column of the file.

    Is this even possible?


    syn region Red start="%61c" end="%66c"
    syn region Blue start="%66c" end="%71c"
    syn region Green start="%71c" end="%81c"
    hi Red ctermfg=Red guifg=Red
    hi Blue ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue
    hi Green ctermfg=Green guifg=Green

    define your own hi-groups:

    :hi Red ctermfg=red guifg=red
    :hi Green ctermfg=green guifg=green 
    :hi Blue ctermfg=blue guifg=blue 

    execute this:

    :match Red /%>60v.*%<66v/
    :2match Blue /%>65v.*%<71v/
    :3match Green /%>70v.*%<81v/

    note that I used matchadd() it supports max. 3 matches. If you need more, define syn pls.

    add a screenshot



    上一篇: 改变所选文字的颜色

    下一篇: 基于列的ViM语法高亮显示