Should I use == or === In Javascript?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons? 50 answers
  • Difference between == and === in JavaScript [duplicate] 2 answers

  • Using == compares only the values, === compares the type of the variable also.

    1 == 1 -> true
    1 == "1" -> true
    1 === 1 -> true
    1 === "1" -> false, because 1 is an integer and "1" is a string.

    You need === if you have to determine if a function returns 0 or false, as 0 == false is true but 0 === false is false.

    It really depends on the situation. It's usually recommended to use === because in most cases that's the right choice.

    == means Similar while
    === means Equal. Meaning it takes object type in consideration.


    '1' == 1 is true

    1 == 1 is true

    '1' === 1 is false

    1 === 1 is true

    When using == it doesn't matter if 1 is a Number or a String.

    == is equal to || x==8 equals false
    === is exactly equal to (value and type) || x==="5" false
    meaning that 5==="5" false; and 5===5 true

    After all, it depends on which type of comparison you want.


    上一篇: 怎么样在==和===在JavaScript?

    下一篇: 我应该使用==还是===在Javascript中?