drawing multiple series on a single chart

I have an index in Elasticsearch which contains an array of simple objects (key-value please see example below).

The documents have a timestamp.

I can create separate histograms in Kibana for each key-value (ie one chart for bytes_sent and another for bytes_received).

I am wondering if there is a way to show both series on one histogram chart.



"_index": "myindex",
    "_type": "showstatus",
    "_id": "JhyLAGbcRDyXmrIMmP5lLg",
    "_score": 1,
    "_source": {
       "_datetime" : "2014-03-21 10:10:10",
       "showstatus": [
             "value": 96451,
             "variable_name": "bytes_sent"
             "value": 435322,
             "variable_name": "bytes_received"

It can be done using a newer panel called "multifieldhistogram". I could use it in Kibana3 after a Kibana patch got installed recently.

Please see this link which shows the panel. https://code.csdn.net/chenryn/kibana.

This is possible by running two queries, one to plot bytes_sent and one to plot bytes_received. Set the histogram to use the common "value" field. It looks like you may also need to split your data up as well so there's unique records that are timestamp,bytes_sent,value and timestamp,bytes_received,value.


I have the solution to this problem. Is similar to the answer given by @OmarOthman but without the aforementioned issues, namely:

  • With the information aggregated in an array is impossible, is a feature that the Elastic team has not addressed yet.

  • You would need to disaggregate your documents in separate documents, one with each value of the array. You can use parent documents features of elastic to gather them.

  • Once you have the documents with this shape:
  • Disaggregated form:

    { "_datetime" : "2014-03-21 10:10:10", "bytes_sent": 12312, "bytes_received" : 123123 }  
    { "_datetime" : "2014-03-21 10:10:11", "bytes_sent": 12310, "bytes_received" : 12313 }

    instead of:

    "_datetime" : "2014-03-21 10:10:10",
    "showstatus": [
    "value": 96451,
    "variable_name": "bytes_sent"
    "value": 435322,
    "variable_name": "bytes_received"

    You can draw multiple series in Timelion like @OmarOthman said but you can also add a secondary (and even tertiary) Y axis using the method yaxis of Timelion, like:

    .es('avg:bytes_sent').yaxis(1, label='Bytes sent').bars(), .es('avg:bytes_received').yaxis(2, label='Bytes received', positon='right').bars()

    With the method bars you can draw it as a date histogram.

    The other approach proposed by @ OmarOthman would only show the average 'value' taking all the "value" data from all the documents of the showstatus array. This is done because the query 'showstatus.variable_name:bytes_sent' is always true because all documents have that "variable name" in their array showstatus. Hence, both series would be the same unless some documents have not the bytes_sent variable_name inside the array showstatus. Try to draw it, it doesn't work as expected.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/19470.html

    上一篇: 创建Android库包,包括外部(Native或Java)包

    下一篇: 在单个图表上绘制多个系列