高级grep unix
通常,grep命令用于显示包含指定模式的行。 有什么方法可以在包含指定模式的行之前和之后显示n行?
grep -B num1 -A num2
似乎OP正在使用AIX。 这有一组不同的选项,不包括-B和-A
这个链接描述了AIX 4.3上的grep(它看起来没有希望)
before=2 << The number of lines to be shown Before >>
after=2 << The number of lines to be shown After >>
grep -n <pattern> <filename> | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n1 -I % awk "NR<=%+$after && NR>=%-$before" <filename>
grep -n <pattern> <filename> | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n1 -I % awk 'NR<=%+<<after>> && NR>=%-<<before>>' <filename>
假设我有一个模式'堆栈'和文件名是flow.txt我想要2行之前和3行之后。 该命令将如下所示:
grep -n 'stack' flow.txt | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n1 -I % awk 'NR<=%+3 && NR>=%-2' flow.txt
grep -n 'stack' flow.txt | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n1 -I % awk 'NR<=% && NR>=%-2' flow.txt
grep -n 'stack' flow.txt | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -n1 -I % awk 'NR<=%+3 && NR>=%' flow.txt
多个文件 - 将其更改为Awk&grep。 从上面的模式'堆'与文件名是流。* - 前2行和后3行。 该命令将如下所示:
awk 'BEGIN {
before=1; after=3; pattern="stack";
i=0; hold[before]=""; afterprints=0}
#Print the lines from the previous Match
if (afterprints > 0)
print FILENAME ":" FNR ":" $0
afterprints-- #keep a track of the lines to print after - this can be reset if a match is found
if (afterprints == 0) print "---"
#Look for the pattern in current line
if ( match($0, pattern) > 0 )
# print the lines in the hold round robin buffer from the current line to line-1
# if (before >0) => user wants lines before avoid divide by 0 in %
# and afterprints => 0 - we have not printed the line already
for(j=i; j < i+before && before > 0 && afterprints == 0 ; j++)
print hold[j%before]
if (afterprints == 0) # print the line if we have not printed the line already
print FILENAME ":" FNR ":" $0
if (before > 0) # Store the lines in the round robin hold buffer
{ hold[i]=FILENAME ":" FNR ":" $0
i=(i+1)%before }
}' flow.*
从标签来看,很可能系统有一个可能不支持提供上下文的grep(Solaris是一个不支持而我不记得AIX的系统)。 如果是这种情况,那么可以在http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/jsp/descFile.jsp?url=descAll/cgrep__context_grep上找到一个perl脚本。
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/19631.html上一篇: Advanced grep unix