Multiple function definitions with template haskell
Suppose I have a data type like so:
data Color = Red | Blue | Green
How would I generate a function like this using templatehaskell?
myShow Red = ...
myShow Blue = ...
myShow Green = ...
ie I'm looking for multiple definitions for a function based on pattern-matching.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Test where
import Language.Haskell.TH
data Color = Red | Blue | Green
myShow' :: Q [Dec]
myShow' = return [FunD (mkName "myShow") [mkClause 'Red, mkClause 'Blue, mkClause 'Green]]
where mkClause n = Clause [ConP n []] (NormalB $ LitE $ StringL $ nameBase n) []
上一篇: 复制RDLC报告文本并粘贴到记事本中
下一篇: 使用模板haskell的多个函数定义