How to previewing GitHub style markdown in PHPStorm
PHPStorm has a markdown previewer but it doesn't interpret things in the same way that GitHub does. I'd really like to see a GitHub style preview instead of the standard markdown. I found which indicates it adds markdown support, but I'm specifically looking for GitHub flavored markdown.
The gfm plugin does that, and works with PhpStorm 9's latest EAP. It actually previews GitHub flavoured markdown, but I don't think it would be a problem for most.
It integrates as a tab at the bottom of markdown documents. Splitting the window and enabling the editor in one pane and the preview in the other worked just fine.
You can check out this Markdown previewer, based on the work of Emanuil Rusev ( erusev
) and his repo on GitHub. Preview: .
It seems to support most of the GitHub Flavored markdown (not not the table, though):
Emanuil Rusev (creator of Markdown previewer) confirms in the comments:
Parsedown does support tables.
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