Chrome CSS Hack Not working in Print Preview

I have an alignment issue only in Chrome and am using the following Chrome CSS hack in my print.css: @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){ .invoiceTable .smallerInput{ margin-top:9px !important; } }

When I go to print preview, the style has not been applied. If I add the Chrome only CSS hack into the normal page view CSS, I can see that the styles are applied correctly in Chrome and not affected in other browsers. Seems like it isn't detected for the print preview for some reason. Does anyone know how to get it to work on the print preview for Chrome?

您需要使用@media print来定位打印机。


<link rel="stylesheet" href="my-sample-print-style.css" media="print"/>

上一篇: Chrome开发者工具在添加CSS时不会创建检查器样式表

下一篇: Chrome CSS Hack在打印预览中不起作用