When is std::weak

I started studying smart pointers of C++11 and I don't see any useful use of std::weak_ptr . Can someone tell me when std::weak_ptr is useful/necessary?

A good example would be a cache.

For recently accessed objects, you want to keep them in memory, so you hold a strong pointer to them. Periodically, you scan the cache and decide which objects have not been accessed recently. You don't need to keep those in memory, so you get rid of the strong pointer.

But what if that object is in use and some other code holds a strong pointer to it? If the cache gets rid of its only pointer to the object, it can never find it again. So the cache keeps a weak pointer to objects that it needs to find if they happen to stay in memory.

This is exactly what a weak pointer does -- it allows you to locate an object if it's still around, but doesn't keep it around if nothing else needs it.

std::weak_ptr is a very good way to solve the dangling pointer problem. By just using raw pointers it is impossible to know if the referenced data has been deallocated or not. Instead, by letting a std::shared_ptr manage the data, and supplying std::weak_ptr to users of the data, the users can check validity of the data by calling expired() or lock() .

You could not do this with std::shared_ptr alone, because all std::shared_ptr instances share the ownership of the data which is not removed before all instances of std::shared_ptr are removed. Here is an example of how to check for dangling pointer using lock() :

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main()
    // OLD, problem with dangling pointer
    // PROBLEM: ref will point to undefined data!

    int* ptr = new int(10);
    int* ref = ptr;
    delete ptr;

    // NEW
    // SOLUTION: check expired() or lock() to determine if pointer is valid

    // empty definition
    std::shared_ptr<int> sptr;

    // takes ownership of pointer
    sptr.reset(new int);
    *sptr = 10;

    // get pointer to data without taking ownership
    std::weak_ptr<int> weak1 = sptr;

    // deletes managed object, acquires new pointer
    sptr.reset(new int);
    *sptr = 5;

    // get pointer to new data without taking ownership
    std::weak_ptr<int> weak2 = sptr;

    // weak1 is expired!
    if(auto tmp = weak1.lock())
        std::cout << *tmp << 'n';
        std::cout << "weak1 is expiredn";

    // weak2 points to new data (5)
    if(auto tmp = weak2.lock())
        std::cout << *tmp << 'n';
        std::cout << "weak2 is expiredn";

Another answer, hopefully simpler. (for fellow googlers)

Suppose you have Team and Member objects.

Obviously it's a relationship : the Team object will have pointers to its Members . And it's likely that the members will also have a back pointer to their Team object.

Then you have a dependency cycle. If you use shared_ptr , objects will no longer be automatically freed when you abandon reference on them, because they reference each other in a cyclic way. This is a memory leak.

You break this by using weak_ptr . The "owner" typically use shared_ptr and the "owned" use a weak_ptr to its parent, and convert it temporarily to shared_ptr when it needs access to its parent.

Store a weak ptr :

weak_ptr<Parent> parentWeakPtr_ = parentSharedPtr; // automatic conversion to weak from shared

then use it when needed

shared_ptr<Parent> tempParentSharedPtr = parentWeakPtr_.lock(); // on the stack, from the weak ptr
if( not tempParentSharedPtr ) {
  // yes it may failed if parent was freed since we stored weak_ptr
} else {
  // do stuff
// tempParentSharedPtr is released when it goes out of scope
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/20770.html

上一篇: 我们如何使用抽象类作为函数返回类型?

下一篇: 什么时候是std :: weak